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Restitution | Canada Commons
Jan 20, 2025 · restitution. The law of restitution is the law of gains-based recovery. It is to be contrasted with the law of compensation, which is the law of loss-based recovery. When a court orders restitution it orders the defendant to give up his gains to the claimant. When a court orders compensation it orders the defendant to pay the claimant for his loss.
Canadacommons.careparation、restitution、compensation 都有什么区别? - 知乎
restitution主要是指要恢复到被侵害者在收到侵害或者损失之前的状态,这种状态不一定是财物方面的。如果针对财物的“恢复”,那就是汉语的“归还”。 the ANC had demanded the restitution of land seized from blacks 非洲人国民大会要求归还黑人被掠夺的土地。
Zhihu.comDefine coefficient of restitution. Write an expression for it? - Toppr
Coefficient of restitution is defined as the ratio of relative velocity after collision to the relative velocity before collision.
Toppr.comCollision: Elastic, Inelastic Collisions in One and Two - Toppr
The Coefficient of restitution. The coefficient of restitution is the ratio between the relative velocity of colliding masses before interaction to the relative velocity of the masses after the collision. Represented by ‘e’, the coefficient of restitution depends on the material of the colliding masses.
Toppr.comWhat is coefficient of restitution? - Toppr
The coefficient of restitution (C O R) also denoted by (e) is the ratio of the final to initial relative velocity between two objects after they collide. It normally ranges from 0 to 1 where 1 would be a perfectly elastic collision.
Toppr.comBall 1 Collides head-on with another identical ball 2 rest. The
A ball of B 1 of mass m moving with velocity u 1 collides head on with another ball Ball B 2 of the same mass at rest.Given that the coefficient of restitution is e. Answer the following questions. What will be the ratio of the velocities of two balls after collisions. A. 1+e/1-e
Toppr.comCoefficient of restitution depends upon, - Toppr
Assertion (A) : The value of coefficient of restitution is independent of the masses and velocities of the colliding bodies but depends on their materials. Reason (R) : Coefficient of restitution is the ratio of the relative velocity of separation or the relative velocity of approach
Toppr.com恢复系数为什么只与碰撞物体的材料有关? - 知乎
Mar 22, 2018 · 恢复系数(coefficient of restitution)衡量两个物体在 碰撞 后的反弹程度。 假若恢复系数为1,则此碰撞为 弹性碰撞 ;假若恢复系数小于1而大于或等于0,则此碰撞为 非弹性碰撞 ;假若恢复系数为0,则此碰撞为 完全非弹性碰撞 ,两个物体黏贴在一起。
Zhihu.comA ball strikes a wall with a velocity vec u an angle theta with the
A stone is projected at an angle θ with velocity u to hit a vertical wall at a distance b. If after collision at wall it returns to point of projection, the co-efficient of restitution is given by
Toppr.comWhat are restitution forces? - Toppr
A substance is in equilibrium position in the original form due to the effect of interatomic force. When an external force is applied on any substance then as a result there is change in the shape or size or both of the substance and the internal reactive force is produced in the substance.