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Sexual Violence - Human Rights Watch
Nov 25, 2024 · I didn’t want to have [the baby] because it was the product of rape. I didn’t want my family to find out.” She was sentenced to 12 months in prison and was released after seven …
Hrw.orgSudan: Fighters Rape Women and Girls, Hold Sex Slaves
Dec 16, 2024 · rape in the Homes of Civilians. On the morning of December 31, 2023, after hostilities that led to the RSF taking control of the town of Habila from the SAF, RSF fighters …
Hrw.orgInternational Legal Prohibitions against Sexual V iolence
Jul 16, 2016 · 253 rape and other forms of sexual violence can be defined as constituent elements of genocide. Genocide is defined under the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and …
Hrw.orgNo Escape: Male Rape in U.S. Prisons - Rape Scenarios
Jun 4, 2015 · rape in prison is rarely a sexual act, but one of violence, politics, and an acting out of power roles.-- Journalist and prisoner Wilbert Rideau, in "The Sexual Jungle" (266)
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Nov 25, 2024 · Between January and October, nearly 4,000 girls and women reported sexual violence, including gang rape, mostly committed by members of criminal groups, according to …
Hrw.orgSexual Violence in the August and September 2017 Attacks
Nov 16, 2017 · This report documents the Burmese military’s gang rape of Rohingya women and girls and further acts of violence, cruelty, and humiliation. Many women described witnessing …
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Sexual assault includes rape, incest (sex with a close relative), child abuse, and unwanted sexual behaviour, for example, unwanted kissing and touching. It also includes behaviour that does … Rape Victims Face Barriers to Justice - Human Rights Watch
Nov 9, 2017 · (New York) – rape survivors in India face significant barriers to obtaining justice and critical support services, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Legal and …
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Jul 13, 2023 · Islamist armed groups have carried out widespread killings, rapes, and lootings of villages in northeast Mali since January 2023 forcing thousands of people to flee.
Hrw.orgNo Escape: Male Rape in U.S. Prisons - Predators and Victims
Sep 3, 1996 · Unsurprisingly--given that physical force, or at least the implicit threat of physical force, is a common element of rape in prison--victims of rape tend to be smaller and weaker …