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Feb 7, 2025 · pfsense Community v2.8 has become a vaporware product which currently contains the majority of the pfsense redmine changes for the over 16 months through to July 2025. If you are happy forever with v2.7.2 then there is no problem. If you want a firewall system with maintained features then looking at alternatives for the future is probably
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Sep 17, 2022 · Hardware: Netgate SG-2440 Clean (from USB) Install of 22.05-RELEASE (amd64) 21 days ago. Everything was working and packages installed during config restore.
Forum.netgate.comGuide to filtering web content (http and https) with pfsense 2.3
Mar 10, 2018 · Sure, since we enabled the DNS resolver to do Host overrides to force safe search on a few search engines I also set up a rule that will force the local network to use the pfsense router as the DNS server. The pfsense router will cache DNS addresses and use them instead of calling a DNS server, you can also change the cache size.
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Jan 2, 2025 · I'm using pfsense 2.7.2 and pfblockerng 3.2.0_8. the problem begun when I changed the setting Firewall/pfBlockerNG/IP -> Floating Rules (uncheck Enable) and/or when I changed the Firewall 'Auto' Rule Order.
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Sep 21, 2017 · Dentro do pfsense fui em diagnostics > ping. Fiz um ping para um dos servidores com a lan como source address. Recebi resposta. Fiz um novo ping para o mesmo servidor com openvpn como source adress. Não recebi resposta. As regras no firewall foram as que o wizard adicionou e também forcei uma liberação de icmp na lan, wan e openvpn.
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Dec 24, 2020 · Delete the default Post-Authorization Restrictions (RFC 1918) and use pfsense for those restrictions. Although I haven't tested whether it's necessary, I added my Sonos System to the Pre-Authorization access (as well as my Printer network). Using pfsense, I’m running PIMD. The PIMD settings don’t seem to make much difference. Defaults are OK.
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Feb 2, 2025 · Internet---Router1---pfsense---Router 2---LAN firewall. The NUC has Windows 11 Pro and I have installed Oracle Virtual Box. I am connected to the NUC by WiFi and an Ethernet Cable. Have installed pfsense multiple times using different settings offered by tutorials, but none allow me to connect to the pfsense VM from my desktop (in my LAN)
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Jan 30, 2018 · pfsense en la versión 2.4.1 tiene un bug en un archivo de configuración xml de las interfícies donde usa "." como separadores en vez de "_", causando los problemas a la hora de configurar PPPoE. Una posible solución sería editar las líneas que contengan el código erroneo y …
Forum.netgate.comUnable to update repository pfSense - Netgate Forum
Feb 12, 2025 · Yes Clients use pfsense; I tried starting unbound. same issue. I remotely rebooted my fiber modem (NVG599), and released and renewed WAN interface. Seems to be working again. Running 2.7.2 with all the latest patches. This just started happening since I applied the latest swath of patches. It is behaving like something on pfsense crashed or