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Helping or Help? - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Jun 6, 2021 · In your sentence [helping the pink iguana and the Floreana tortoise] is a Gerund-Participle clause. This too is a non finite clause. And by itself a non finite clause is un-tensed. We can't locate the situation in time from the non finite clause by itself. So your assumption that helping is in future continuous
Ell.stackexchange.comWhat is the difference between "a portion of food" and "a helping …
Apr 9, 2019 · A helping of food is a single portion of food that is being served to (or that is taken by) someone who is imminently about to eat the food. A portion is an amount of food that is intended to be allotted to one or more people who will be eating at some point in time which could be immediate or in the distant future.
Ell.stackexchange.comdifference - Will/would be a good idea - English Language …
Jan 20, 2025 · Your helping me with my homework would be a good idea, if you can spare the time for that. (the conditionalis ) The first sentence is slightly dubious: grammatically it is OK, simply a statement in future tense , but since the idea is already spoken about, it will not be a good idea but it is already a good idea.
Ell.stackexchange.comAdjective for someone that refuses help from others?
Jun 3, 2024 · While this question was close to what I was looking for, it is an adjective that describes someone that refuses help for the sake of helping others. I am curious if there is an adjective that specifically denotes someone that does not accept the assistance of others without the connotation of selflessness.
Ell.stackexchange.comThank you for your continued support or continuous support?
Let me guess, I feel continued support fits better even before I did a quick search on the Internet. A website writer said I cannot formulate a rule then said: "Universities have Departments of Continuing Education, but they often ask their contributors for their continued support."
Ell.stackexchange.comHow is 'was' a verb? - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Aug 31, 2019 · Verbs can describe a state of being, an emotion, a sense or an opinion.. so you have ACTION verbs (I turn the page), but also BEING verbs (I turned green). And thirdly, you also have helping verbs, they never stand alone as main verbs.. and there are only 24 of those (I WILL play piano. –
Ell.stackexchange.comdid + present tense (or ) Past tense of the verb [duplicate]
If the action is in the future, we are already using a helping verb like "will". In this case we move the word "will" to precede the subject, but otherwise keep the same verbs. Statement: You will give him the box. Question: When will you give him the box? Likewise if the original statement is in the present continuous, like "are giving".
Ell.stackexchange.comWhat is the difference between "okay with" and "okay for"?
Aug 27, 2015 · 1) Is definitely most common in common usage. 'Okay with' most commonly confirms politely that the person is willing to/comfortable with helping. 'Okay to' might imply that there was some reason the other person might not be in a state where they are able to help, e.g. (To a sick person), "I will need your help if you are okay (well enough) to
Ell.stackexchange.comWhich is correct? "I eager to" or "I am eager for"
The second example is most correct because you use the verb "am", which is a derivative of "to be". In this context, am is helping you express a state of emotion or being. When you use the word eager, you are expressing how you feel about a certain situation or event. You want to make sure that you say what that situation or event is.
Ell.stackexchange.comDifference between "if I can be of any help" and "if I am of any help"
Dec 3, 2016 · This is asked after you have started helping, to check whether what you are doing is currently useful. Here is a further possibility: Please let me know if I have been of any help. This is asked after you have finished helping, to check whether what you have done was useful.